Health and Nutrition
Our health program focuses on improving health and nutrition status and reducing mortality and morbidity of marginalized, hard to reach and vulnerable children of internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities in our target areas.
Peace building and Social justice
Through this program me, we work towards building an all-inclusive, peaceful communities that promotes social justice especially for the vulnerable and marginalized communities through several community–based initiatives to reduce violent conflicts and engage local leaders at all levels of society to foster inclusion, equity, and accountability.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Under this thematic program me area, we aim to increase access to availability of clean water to the target communities through construction and rehabilitation of water sources, formation of water management committees at district and village level, sanitation and hygiene practices through construction of sanitation facilities and awareness creation and training of hygiene promoters to educate communities on good proper hygiene sanitation practices
Child protection and Gender Empowerment
KRD works with the Government of Somalia and partners to promote policies and expand access to services that protect rights of women and children. We support the Government to put in place laws, policies, systems and public services that are inclusive of all children and women help them thrive.
Food Security and Livelihoods
We support sustainable livelihoods of communities and households affected by the conflict, floods and drought through promoting sustainable use of available natural resources and encouraging good improved agricultural practices, improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable households by ensuring food security and sustainable development.
Education and skills for life
KRD works to promote and support primary, secondary and skills development for vulnerable and marginalized children and youths through improvement of learning outcomes for early learning, basic education, and alternative basic education (ABE) for school going children.
Shelter and NFIs
Our Shelter and NFIs Program me continues to provide emergency assistance to newly displaced people affected by natural and man-made disasters (flood, fire, drought, conflict and evictions), distributing a minimum Non-Food Item (NFI) kit and Emergency Shelter Kit (if necessary) for those in need.
Providing humanitarian assistance and long-term development since 2011
Together, we create lasting change for vulnerable communities in Somalia
Our mission is to alleviate the suffering of the marginalized and vulnerable communities
Transforming lives for a dignified and empowered communities
KRD is an active local humanitarian organization dedicated to provide emergency humanitarian aid and long-term sustainable development in Somalia. we work directly with local communities impacted by conflict, climate change, and disasters to save lives, build greater resilience as well as promote long-term health and wellbeing of vulnerable communities. Our work is guided by the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence.
Our primary goal is to work towards creating a future where everyone can prosper. We also aim to improve living conditions of vulnerable communities through implementing initiatives on basic service delivery, increasing economic opportunities, improving livelihood diversification, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation as well as advocacy and protection. Over the past 13 years, KRD has been running a wide range of programme interventions focusing on alleviating the suffering of drought, floods and protracted conflict affected communities in the following key thematic focus areas;
- Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL)
- Education and Skills for Life (ESL),
- Child Protection and Gender Empowerment (CPGE),
- Peace building and Social Justice (PBSJ),
- Health and Nutrition (HN)
- Shelter & NFIs (SN)

Small Decisions Make a Big Impact:
Making small decisions can have a major impact on our lives, and we often overlook the importance of these decisions. If you wish to support our work and projects, please donate today. When you donate, you are helping the vulnerable communities to provide Water, Food, Healthcare, Education and more who need them most. Join and Support us. You can make the difference. click the DONATE button below. Thank You!
We’re leading local NGO working to create lasting change for vulnerable communities

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