Health & nutrition

Health & nutrition
Our health program focuses on improving health and nutrition status and reducing mortality and morbidity of marginalized, hard to reach and vulnerable children of internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities in our target areas. our health programme has ensured the continuity of health-services to further decrease maternal-mortality and related chronic diseases; KRD works to improve community health outcomes with a focus on addressing the preventable causes of morbidity and mortality in the communities we serve. We utilize an integrated approach to complement the efforts of government departments, UNICEF and WHO resources and technical support. focuses on ensuring that all children receive the health and nutrition care and services they require to survive. To achieve this goal, KRD collaborates with local governments, multilateral institutions, grassroots organizations and others to strengthen health systems, and works with individuals, families and communities to encourage the uptake of healthy behaviors. We work in both humanitarian and development contexts to ensure children’s right to survive, their right to good health and well-being, and their right to food and nutrition.